Thursday, July 23, 2009

Totto-Chan book review

The book on totto-chan is a very interesting book, it certainly motivates us to study, totto-chan passion for studying and goal for her life is something we should learn from. This book is about a little girl living in japan called, "totto-chan", who never give up in her study and goal. The book starts of by giving us a brief description of totto-chan personality, how she gets into trouble in her first year in school and get expelled. Even the teacher could not stand Totto-chan interruption in class, standing by the side of the window during lesson time waiting for the streets musicians to past by and she will call out to them to request for for them to play a few piece of musics. Not only that, she interrupts the class by opening and shutting her desk cupboard. This result her of being expelled. Totto-chan is interesting in selling tickets in train stations so when she come across this particular school made up of trains which was use as classrooms which students study in, and even library was in the train cabin. The headmaster and totto-chan seems to get along very well, this partly explains why totto-chan ended up studying in this school after being expelled in the previous school. Studying in Tomoe was a fun and experienced for each and every student. The headmaster make it in a way that studying was fun for the students in tomoe, having unexpected events happening in school every day. Totto-chan certainly enjoyed the times when she's in tomoe. But all this didn't last until totto-chan graduates from tomoe. Tomoe was being burned down because of the war that happened in japan at that time. But the headmaster had already plan on the next school buildings and the name for the school. This shows the love and concern from the headmaster towards the students in tomoe. I think especially students like us should read this book, it really motivates us in life.

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