Tuesday, September 1, 2009


What does it mean to be a Singaporean?

You may wish to follow the guildlines on this topic:
(a) What does being a Singaporean mean in general?
(b) What does being a Singaporean mean to me?
(c) What can or has Singapore do/done for me?
(d) What can i do for Singapore?
(e) If given the opportunity, would i leave the shores of Singapore in the hope of a better future? Why or why not?

In general, Singaporean means that we are all living in a country which the technology keeps on improving, being a green and clean country, each and every one of us should play a part being a Singaporean. To me, being a singaporean, we are all together. No racism, the amount of singlish being use is classify under the majority. And the famous, "Kiasu." In the years, Singapore have been improving. Which explains the comfortable life that most of us are having now. They give us the education, which is the one of the most important thing that Singapore has done for me. In order for me to contribute to Singapore, i must study hard when i still have the chance to go through all the education that Singapore has provide for us, contribute to Singapore when i grow up, be a useful person. And i believe, everyone of you have the right to do so too. No, i won't. To me, there's also opportunities in Singapore, is only the matter whether you know how to hold it in your own hands. I believe if you have the ability, you can have a bright future in Singapore as well.


a) Write out your views on euthanasia. Do you agree with the idea of it and why?
b) What is the current stand on euthanasia in Singapore? Do you think euthunasia should be practised in Singpore? Why and why not?
c) Post a link in your blogs on any article on the issue (Anything aside from wikipedia)

Yes, i agree on the idea of euthanasia. To others, euthanasia may seem to be commiting a murderer case, causing harm to others. But from my point of view, having to see your love ones being tortured by illness and nobody else can help, why not a painless death?

It is still illegal to use euthanasia in Singapore. Although i agree on the idea of euthanasia, i still think it is better not to be legal in Singapore. As it will lead to several problems like for example, the old elderly. We often heard old elderly saying that it is better off for them to leave this world, no more values for them to continue living and being a burden to their children. But to me, as long as their not suffering from any torturous sickness, carry on living, experience what's ahead of you, live your life to the fullest before even having the thought of living this world.

Monday, August 3, 2009

English assessment

Walking past the graveyard struck Buvan’s memory of his father and mother deaths, Sooria and Genga. Memories of his family flashed back just like a movie being played, how they used to spend time cooking together in the small kitchen, sitting down warmly having their meals. They were a happy and simple family living in Pulaubinbin. Their family was in good terms with Rathi’s family, Buvan and Rathi grew up together, helping each other when in need. This explains the bonding between the two families. But happy moments did not last for long when the year 1967 arrived. It was filled with sorrows and even until now, Buvan and Rathi could still remember the tragedy scenes and details clearly.

Both of the families Indian, so that explains why they were not given the rights to live in Sri Lanka. They need to know their limits regardless of anything they do in Sri Lanka, and of course, watched their steps carefully. The day arrived, Buvan and Rathi’s family decided to make a trip to the mountain field site near Pulaubinbin to have picnic. They just have to travel over to the mountain field site by a boat, which is not too far away. They thought the picnic would go smoothly, a memorable one. But instead, it turned out to be memorable in other way.

Once they had prepared the things they needed for the picnic, they set off to the lakeside where the boat would come and picked them up. The boat arrived; they went to the near-by bench to pick up their belongings as while they were waiting for the boat, they placed their belongings on the bench and went around for some fresh air. They settled down in the boat when suddenly Buvan exclaimed, “Oh no! We left the picnic mat on the bench, remember?” That’s when Rathi realised, “Yes, we left the picnic mat on the bench. Buvan, why don’t we go back and retrieved it?” Buvan agreed. Just when the both of them have their feets off the boat, the boat sailed off leaving them behind. They have no choice but to wait for the second arrival of the boat to bring them over to the mountain field site.

The boat was still in sight for the both of them, they were sitting at the bench chatting away while waiting for the second arrival of the boat. A loud blast was heard, deafening enough for the both of them, they turned and looked at the lakeside. They could not believed their eyes, a tragedy scene had happened in front of them. The boat was bombed, pieces of the boat flying across the air and sinking into the water. They can’t help but to cry out with tears streaming down their cheeks, “Papa, Mama!” Just a few moments ago, they were still happily with their family, having the thought that they were going to have a nice and enjoyable day at the mountain field site. But now… it turned out to be a tragedy scene instead. They saw two men who were from Tamil tigers leaving from a boat, that’s when they realised the Tamil tigers were behind it, they caused bombing on the boat. They were filled with anger. Buvan clenched his fist and said,” I hate the Tamil tigers! I’m going to join the Sri Lanka army to go against the Tamil tigers!” Buvan’s mind was filled with revenge for his family. Buvan said in his softest tone, “Rathi, you’ll support me to join the Sri Lanka army, right?” Rathi, with eyes as red as bloodshot, still with tears replied, “I’ll support you.” Buvan roared out in anger, " Nothing could bring back the lives of my father and mother back, one day i'll make the Tamil tigers pay back."

Buddy comments: More dialogues and more details. Have more description and show not tell.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Totto-Chan book review

The book on totto-chan is a very interesting book, it certainly motivates us to study, totto-chan passion for studying and goal for her life is something we should learn from. This book is about a little girl living in japan called, "totto-chan", who never give up in her study and goal. The book starts of by giving us a brief description of totto-chan personality, how she gets into trouble in her first year in school and get expelled. Even the teacher could not stand Totto-chan interruption in class, standing by the side of the window during lesson time waiting for the streets musicians to past by and she will call out to them to request for for them to play a few piece of musics. Not only that, she interrupts the class by opening and shutting her desk cupboard. This result her of being expelled. Totto-chan is interesting in selling tickets in train stations so when she come across this particular school made up of trains which was use as classrooms which students study in, and even library was in the train cabin. The headmaster and totto-chan seems to get along very well, this partly explains why totto-chan ended up studying in this school after being expelled in the previous school. Studying in Tomoe was a fun and experienced for each and every student. The headmaster make it in a way that studying was fun for the students in tomoe, having unexpected events happening in school every day. Totto-chan certainly enjoyed the times when she's in tomoe. But all this didn't last until totto-chan graduates from tomoe. Tomoe was being burned down because of the war that happened in japan at that time. But the headmaster had already plan on the next school buildings and the name for the school. This shows the love and concern from the headmaster towards the students in tomoe. I think especially students like us should read this book, it really motivates us in life.

Xinjiang Riots

The Xinjiang riot was indeed very violent which caused up to 800 deaths of the Han chinese and Muslim Uighurs in Urumqi. The two main group were living in peace and harmony for long when this tragedic riot happened. The situation for the riot this time was very bad to the extent that soildiers from the military were send in to control the riot. But it was reported that regardless of how bad the situation for the riot was, some of the officers and soldiers did not do anything to help the riot when they were witnessing it. China has said that 156 people were killed in clashes in Urumqi and over a thousand people were injured. It was then under control after thousands of troops entered the city in a bid to prevent further unrest. This riot could be prevented if the government was able to do something, although the amount of people is large, there'll be still a solution to it. This riot was a sad incident that could be prevented.

Should singlish be the official language in singapore?

I personally feel that singlish should not be the official language being use in singapore? If there's profound english, why not we use profound english to communicate instead of using singlish which is not very nice to be heard of? Not every people understands singlish. Afterall, english is the standard language being use in many countries instead of singlish. For example, when tourists from U.S or England visits singapore and happen to ask you for directions, are you going to use singlish to communicate with them? They won't be able to understand. Furthermore, they will have a bad impression on singapore citizens regarding the language. So, say no to singlish.

Are singaporeans gracious and socially responsible?

Do you think singaporeans are gracious citizens? From my point of view, the majority are still gracious and socially responsible. The minority are causes of the percentage of the bad environment. For example, places fill with rubbish being dumb anywhere they like, attracting unwanted pests. All this are acts of the ungracious-ness of the singaporeans. As all of you know, now is the period of H1N1. When you're down with flu, fever, cough and other symtoms of H1N1, try not to go crowded places, visit the doctor for immediate treatment, wear a mask when you're out. This are acts of social responsible. Practice more graciousness and social responsible to make singapore a green and clean city to live in.

My future career.

What i hope to be in the future as my occupation is a wedding planner. i will have my eye set on this occupation is because being a wedding planner, when you successfully plan a wedding and it goes off well, you will have a kind of satisfaction in your heart. I still remember why i get the idea of being a wedding planner, when once i watch a television programme about a wedding planner, from that day onwards i have a big interest in it. Basically, if you like to work with people, those good at negotiating and communicating with people, wedding planner is one of the best choice to be in your career. For your information, wedding planner is also known as the wedding consultant or bridal consultant. some of the required skills for a wedding planner is to be able to remain calm at all times in the face of adversity. they must be able to get the best service for the customers and the lowest price. Networking is also important, establishing good connections will lead to good business deals. a wedding planner must also have a good fashion sense like what colours should go with what type of accessories and etc. Basically, this is all about a wedding planner.