Tuesday, September 1, 2009


What does it mean to be a Singaporean?

You may wish to follow the guildlines on this topic:
(a) What does being a Singaporean mean in general?
(b) What does being a Singaporean mean to me?
(c) What can or has Singapore do/done for me?
(d) What can i do for Singapore?
(e) If given the opportunity, would i leave the shores of Singapore in the hope of a better future? Why or why not?

In general, Singaporean means that we are all living in a country which the technology keeps on improving, being a green and clean country, each and every one of us should play a part being a Singaporean. To me, being a singaporean, we are all together. No racism, the amount of singlish being use is classify under the majority. And the famous, "Kiasu." In the years, Singapore have been improving. Which explains the comfortable life that most of us are having now. They give us the education, which is the one of the most important thing that Singapore has done for me. In order for me to contribute to Singapore, i must study hard when i still have the chance to go through all the education that Singapore has provide for us, contribute to Singapore when i grow up, be a useful person. And i believe, everyone of you have the right to do so too. No, i won't. To me, there's also opportunities in Singapore, is only the matter whether you know how to hold it in your own hands. I believe if you have the ability, you can have a bright future in Singapore as well.


a) Write out your views on euthanasia. Do you agree with the idea of it and why?
b) What is the current stand on euthanasia in Singapore? Do you think euthunasia should be practised in Singpore? Why and why not?
c) Post a link in your blogs on any article on the issue (Anything aside from wikipedia)

Yes, i agree on the idea of euthanasia. To others, euthanasia may seem to be commiting a murderer case, causing harm to others. But from my point of view, having to see your love ones being tortured by illness and nobody else can help, why not a painless death?

It is still illegal to use euthanasia in Singapore. Although i agree on the idea of euthanasia, i still think it is better not to be legal in Singapore. As it will lead to several problems like for example, the old elderly. We often heard old elderly saying that it is better off for them to leave this world, no more values for them to continue living and being a burden to their children. But to me, as long as their not suffering from any torturous sickness, carry on living, experience what's ahead of you, live your life to the fullest before even having the thought of living this world.